Sunday, November 16, 2014

Bringing back Hank the Elf!

So I've decided to bring Hank our elf back tomorrow to start our school week off with some fun. I look forward to sharing Hanks shennanigans with you all.

Yes, my older kids may be too old for Hank... But I don't care. Our elf is super fun and reminds me to do something for my kids each day. Sometimes Hank is mischievous and other times he's a sweetheart. I even use Hank for some good lessons. 

We are 38 days away from Christmas, not counting today! Can you believe it? Hanks first mission is to let the kids know he's back and issue them these naughty warnings I made on my studio app.

Keep a watch out for more Hank posts and Tis the season! 

I've got 99 problems but lack of an elf ain't one.